Friday, June 17, 2011

Computers in the Classroom - Raleigh, Elizabeth, Caitlin

What would be interesting…ways to integrate technology into your class when you have 1 computer, 3, 6, 15, or for every student.  Pro’s and con’s….with ELLS or special needs

1 computer- project a screen for the entire class. You can use it to demonstrate concept maps that kids can help fill out. Desk top Tower Defense- Is a game of strategy and using graph paper students can plan out strategies, before demonstrating their strategy by playing the game. Class vocab games/ trivial pursuit are also interactive ways to check for comprehension when you only have one computer. There are many Interactive websites that can be explored as a class that discuss topics anywhere from geography to global issues like pollution.

One computer with multiple smaller devices can also be useful. Students can take quizzes on the hand held devices that can transmit data instantly to the computer. These devices can also be used for trivia games and class questions.

3 computers-  You can make students computer specialists for a week or a few days. Anytime they or their classmates need to access a computer these are the students who would do so. If you only have a limited number of computers they could also be a class resource that is always available, and teachers can make photos or other digital media part of the requirement for longer class projects.  ELLS can access dictionaries and translators so that they can better communicate in English. Students with Special needs can also have access to these resources.

6- Power point projects, video projects, podcasts, anything that can be done in small groups.

15-all of the above suggestions plus indepth projects that include multimedia elements.  skype- between classes or around the world   Kurzweil 3000 allows Ells and Special access to a program that will read and help you write papers, they help with grammar, vocab, and reading so students with learning disabilities and ELLS get the help that they need.

All- constant access, email with people around the world, blogging, wikis, twitters, collaborative projects between students with separate works, like a web page. Research projects, college essays. ELLS and Special Needs students can work at their own pace and don’t have to be rushed.

Don’t always have to use all the computers even when doing projects!

Pros- Wider access to information and programs. They feel a sense of responsibility. They have a chance to go beyond the classroom when looking for resources.

Cons- Kids don’t use the technology appropriately or responsibly. If they break it or loose it. They spend so much time on the technology aspect that the content becomes secondary or none existent.

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